
Killzone shadow fall best weapons
Killzone shadow fall best weapons

killzone shadow fall best weapons

Naturally these events have a profound effect on our protagonist as he’s left to be mentored by a Shadow Marshall who rescues him.

killzone shadow fall best weapons

In Shadow Fall you play Lucas Kellen, who we first see as a young boy in the opening moments of the game witnessing his father being killed by Helghast soldiers as they try to flee their city on Vekta. Peace reigns for thirty years, but it’s to no one’s surprise (least of all ours) that this doesn’t last. Set after the events in Killzone 3 where the Helghast’s planet is destroyed, the ‘bad guys’ (that’s the Helghast) now reside on the same planet as the Vektans separated by a security wall. For those not familiar with the Killzone universe, the latest conflict takes place on the planet Vekta. We’ll pick up that question later, but first some scene-setting. These days it feels like the single-player is an afterthought for FPS games, but is this true of Killzone: Shadow Fall? Regrettably we haven’t got the multiplayer working properly yet ahead of the PS4’s launch, so for now we’re focusing on the single-player campaign whose environments are the setting for much of the multiplayer, too.

#Killzone shadow fall best weapons full#

After Killzone: Mercenary delivered the fantastic PS Vita FPS we have craved for so long, Shadow Fall ventures into a world that takes full advantage of the next-gen bump in hardware and hopes to do the same for the PS4. It’s just the kind of game to make loyal PS3 owners upgrade. Killzone games have always looked good, so it’s no real surprise Sony picked Killzone 4: Shadow Fall to be its key PS4 exclusive launch title.

Killzone shadow fall best weapons